(info) What is AREYOUTHERE?

The query viewer 'AREYOUTHERE' is a view in PeopleSoft that allows you to search by SJSU id number to verify current employment of faculty and staff.

The customer must show up in the system as a current employee in order to have access to SJSU email, Canvas, etc.

LDAP has this function as well but information from PeopleSoft is migrated to LDAP therefore it is more accurate to use AREYOUTHERE to see if the user is an employee.

New Hire Information

If the customer is a new hire, it is possible their paperwork has not been fully processed, therefore the system does not recognize them as a current employee.

They will have to first check with their department that their paperwork has been turned into UP. After that they will have to contact UP to check if their paperwork has been completely processed before continuing.


  1. Log into MySJSU

  2. Go to Main Menu > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer

3. Select Query Name for the Search By category and in the query viewer search field, type 'AREYOUTHERE' in all Caps and click Search

4. Select HTML under Run to HTML

5. 'AREYOUTHERE' searches are done using SJSU ID number.

6. If the ID search populates a table with information, then the customer is a current employee in the system. 

7. If the search returns "No matching values were found" the customer is not a current employee.