Slate Security: Available Roles
Last Modified: Dec 16, 2020
Determining the Appropriate Role
To gain access to Slate environments, you will need to request a PeopleSoft role using our Slate Security Request form. Details about the Slate functionality associated with each of the available roles is below. Please consider the functionality that most closely matches the needs of your job duties to determine the appropriate role to request.
Note that each role is independent. The security granted by one role does not include the security granted by another. For example, if you want security for the items in Base and Base Plus, you must request both roles.
Primary Staff Roles
Base Security Role
Role Name to Request: SJ_SLATE_BASE
Purpose: Grants view-only access to staff members (not intended for students) across the system. Provides access to view/edit forms, events, and queries assigned to the specific user.
Base Plus Security Role
Role Name to Request: SJ_SLATE_BASEPLUS
Purpose: Grants access to update/edit person and applicant records, batch update records, edit and update all forms (even if they are not assigned to you specifically). Training Required.
Role Name to Request: SJ_SLATE_EVENTS
Purpose: Grants access to update/edit all events and view/edit those events for which you are the assigned user. Training Required.
Deliver View
Role Name to Request: SJ_SLATE_DELIVER_VW
Purpose: Grants access to update/edit emails where you are the assigned user. Training Required.
Deliver Edit
Role Name to Request: SJ_SLATE_DELIVER_EDIT
Purpose: Grants access to update/edit all emails regardless of whether they are assigned to you as a user, specifically. Allows access to deliver snippets (create). Training Required.
Deliver Send
Role Name to Request: SJ_SLATE_DELIVER_SEND
Purpose: Grants access to a very limited number of users who are responsible for executing high-level communication plans on behalf of the university. Allows user to send email in batch. Training Required.
Power User Security Role
Role Name to Request: SJ_SLATE_POWER
Purpose: Grants access to a very limited number of users responsible for maintaining the database/system. Training Required.