Manually Scheduling Appointments as Staff

Manually Scheduling Appointments as Staff


Staff, advisors, tutors, and others that hold appointments are able to manually schedule appointments for students.

Use the Schedule an Appointment page to start the process. This page is accessible from your Spartan Connect calendar page using the Add Calendar Event button:

Schedule Appointment

Set Filters

1. The Care Unit filter specifies the general category of appointments. Choose what is appropriate for your appointment based on the available options.

2. Setting the correct location is very important because the system uses location to determine available services and staff organizers. Always choose your specific location. If there is none, reach out to Spartan Connect Administration for assistance.

3. Specify the appropriate service from the provided list. Note that services may require a course to be selected in the next step.

4. Choosing a course may be required for the chosen service. Search for and select the appropriate course from the list or leave it blank if not required.

5. Specify the Meeting Type for this appointment.

Other Details

6. Add optional comments for this appointment that should be included in the confirmation and reminder emails. This would also be an appropriate place to enter a phone number or meeting URL.

7. Specify a week in which to begin searching for appointment availability. Choose any day in a week to see all availability for that whole week.


8. Use the Add an Attendee search box to add only students to this section. Staff are chosen as the Organizer below.

9. Based on all of the filters chosen on the left, the available staff organizers will be listed. Select the staff person to add as the Organizer for this appointment. Their availabilities will be displayed.

Choose a Time to Meet

10. By default, the appointment length will match the duration for which a student would normally schedule. If an adjustment should be made, choose a different length.

11. By default only availabilities for the chosen reason or course will be highlighted in the grid below.

If you want to highlight ALL of the selected organizer's availabilities, you should select 'Show All Availabilities'. If you need to schedule an appointment outside of the organizer's available times you should select 'Unlock Non-Available Times'. Finally, if you need to schedule an appointment during a time when the selected organizer has a conflict, then you should select 'Unlock Times With Conflicts'.

12. Use the grid to select the desired appointment slot. Each available slot is shown in green, drop-in times are shown in blue, and conflicts are shown in red.

13. If the appointment needs to repeat, choose the frequency of repetition and optionally specify and end date.

14. Observe the selected reminder options (in the left column) and make changes as necessary. There are options to email or text the staff organizer or other attendees. Note that all attendees will automatically receive a confirmation email regardless of reminder settings.

Verify and Save

Review all selections and verify accuracy. When ready, click on the Save Appointment button at the bottom of the page.

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