Add/Update a Person
Student Assistants do NOT have access to Add/Update a Person it is for Staff ONLY.
What information can be found on Add/Update?
Relevant information
First name and Last Name | Minnie Mouse |
SJSU ID Number | 012345678 |
Date of Birth | 11/18 (Birth year not needed for verification) |
Last 4 Digits of SSN | 0002 |
Home Address (Click the arrows to see other addresses they have on file) | 500 South Buena Vista Street Burbank, California 91521 |
Campus Email | |
Home Email | |
Log into MySJSU (PeopleSoft)
Navigate to main menu > Campus Community > Personal Information > Add/Update a Person
Search either using their full name or SJSU ID number. Searching by first or last name, separately will take longer.
Details of the account should be pulled up after clicking 'Search'
Last 4 of SSN/ITIN is verified, you need only verify ONE of the following
MMDD of Birth
Postal address on file with SJSU
Email address on file with SJSU
Last 4 of SSN/ITIN is NOT verified or unavailable, you need to verify ALL three of the following
MMDD of Birth
Postal address on file with SJSU
Email address on file with SJSU
After verification, look up the customer on SAMI
Provide assistance
After assisting and making ANY changes to the customer's account, make a ticket with details in the description (REMINDER: that the customer sees the information in the Reason, Description, and Results ticket fields)
NOTE: Verifying the customer's account FULLY is imperative to understanding and ensuring the customer's account information is correct and providing the necessary information to best assist them. Creating a ticket for every action (account unlocks, password reset, phone removal, bypass codes, fob request, etc) completed by Service Desk on the customer's account acts as a paper trail/record if we need to refer to it.