CSU ID Search
When to use CSU ID Search?
CSU ID Search is a tool that can be used to search for a user.
Any customer that is an applicant, student(current, former, open university), or employee will have an id number.
This tool is mainly used to verify user identity/information.
If you need more information on status, use SAMI Gateway.
CSU ID Search Interface
Navigation Main Menu > CSU SA Baseline > CSU Campus Community > CSU ID Search
Search Criteria is as follows
SJSU id number. Only having part of the SJSU id number will result in a longer search. Having the full id number is ideal.
First and/or last name. Only having one of either first or last name will result in a longer search. Having the full name is ideal.
Some users may have multiple entries like in this example but they are all the same profile.
Staff can click on Detail for User Details.
The “Detail” option will not be available for Student Assistants and will be limited to “Results” view only (see image below)
To find a user's email address SAs will have to use SAMI Gateway. To get someones home address ask the customer and verify with a Staff/Supervisor.
Here are what the columns mean from left to right that are meaningful in some way
Detail: When clicked opens up the user's profile
Name: Displays user's name
Empl ID: Displays user's SJSU id number
Nati ID (Last 4): Displays Last 4 digits of SSN if applicable, if you can see a 4 digit number in this field it usually means they have financial aid or is an employee
DOB (mm/dd): Displays user's month and day of date of birth
Org Rel: Displays relation to SJSU, usually is either empty meaning student like in the 4th column or employee like in 1,2 and 3.
Empl Class: Displays the type of employee either regular or student
HR Status: displays whether the person is an active employee or not, as long as one says active the user is an active employee
User Details
Most if not all fields here are very self explanatory. Each displays information to that corresponding area.
The most least intuitive piece of information is the Effective Date. This variable displays when the user's profile in PeopleSoft was created.
How To Log in to CSU ID Search
Log in to SJSU@Work
In the Menu select CSU ID Search
Search either using their full name or SJSU ID number. Searching by first or last name, separately will take longer.
Details of the account should be pulled up after clicking 'Search'
Customer has an SSN verify
Date of birth
Last 4 SSN
Customer does NOT have an SSN
MMDD of Birth
Email address on file with SJSU (from SAMI Gateway)
Postal address on file with SJSU (from Supervisor)
To verify the postal adress first write it down from the customer than bring to a Supervisor or member of Staff to verify for you.
After verification, look up the customer on SAMI to see more details regarding enrollment, groups, LDAP info etc.
Provide assistance
After assisting and making ANY changes to the customer's account, make a ticket with details in the description (REMINDER: that the customer sees the information in the Reason, Description, and Results ticket fields)