Converting and Forwarded Tickets

Converting Tickets

Incident to Change

  1. With the Incident open, Click New.

  2. Click the Change icon.

  3. Then you only need to add the Change Reason.

Remember, this conversion generates a new ticket number for the customer.

  1. Send the customer updated information about the request.














  1. With the Change open, Click New.

  2. Click the Incident icon.

  3. Verify the Assignee, Category and Description is verified or updated as needed.

  1. Send the customer updated information about their request. Close the Change ticket and provide the customer with the new Incident ticket number

What is a forwarded ticket?

A ticket is typically forwarded to Service Desk when a customer has directly emailed someone in IT. Please be sure to update the customer information on all forwarded tickets.



In this case, the customer would be