SJ Messaging Rich Text Editor Enhancement

SJ Messaging Rich Text Editor Enhancement

What's Changed?

The one new feature in this enhancement is the ability to use Rich-Format Text in your SJSU Messaging messages.

Previously, messages were limited to plain text with two URLs at the bottom of the message. With the Rich Text Editor modification, messages can have headings, lists, inline links, colors, other basic formatting, and inline images.

How does it look now?

The plain text input box on the Message Detail page now has a formatting bar (similar to Word) to apply formatting and insert links or images.

Important Notes on New Features

Maximizing the Text Editor

The Rich Text Editor had to fit in the same space where the plain textbox used to be. Because of this, there's not too much space to see the message you're typing.

However, you can maximize the editor to fill the entire screen by clicking on the icon that looks like four arrows pointing outwards:

To shrink the editor, click the same button again (you'll need to do this to send your message anyway).

Inline Links

No longer are you limited to two URLs per message! Now you can add as many inline links directly to the main body of the message as you'd like.

The most efficient way to add a link is to have your text already typed out, select the portion you'd like to make a link, and then click the Link icon that looks like a little chain-link.

Specify the URL (including the protocol of HTTP or HTTPS)

You can also specify an E-mail address instead of a web link by changing the Link Type dropdown to E-mail. You can even include a pre-set email subject and body for template emails.


Links must have a Target attribute set to New Window (_blank). Without this set, links (outside of sjsu.edu) clicked may try to open in the same window as the message and will not load correctly.


Save your link by clicking the OK button

The text you had previously selected will now be a click-able link, embedded in the message body.

If you need to edit or unlink a URL, you can right-click on the link in the message and select an option from the menu.

Inline Images

Now that inline images are supported, you can upload images directly in the message box.

Only certain filetypes are supported. For best results, use JPGPNG, or GIF images.

Click on the icon of the image (seen below) to open the upload dialog.

In the new dialog box that pops up, start by a) choosing your file, and then b) send it to the server (which uploads the file).

Once the file is uploaded, you're switched to the Image Info tab to c) adjust the width and height.

When you're satisfied with the size of the image, d) save it to your message with the OK button.

If your image is still too large, you can go back and change the properties by right-clicking on the image and selecting the Image Properties option from the dropdown. You'll return to the same popup window to adjust the settings.

Copying and Pasting Pre-formatted Text

Be very careful if you're pasting text in from Word or a PDF and avoid it if you can.

These pre-formatted texts can sometimes contain hidden styles that negatively affect the way your message is displayed once sent. If you're unsure whether or not your message will appear correctly, try sending it to yourself (or a willing student) as a test.








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