Graduation Batch Award Degrees
Last Modified: 8/14/2023
- 1 Overview
- 2 Queries
- 3 Step 1A: Generate Advisement Reports
- 4 Step 1b: Generate Advisement Reports
- 5 Step 2: Review and Validate Students
- 6 Step 3: Update Degree Checkout Status/Post Degrees
- 7 Step 4: Department Honors
- 8 Step 5a: Generate Final Report Information
- 9 Step 5b: Generate Final Report Information
- 10 Step 6: Generate PDFs
- 11 Step 7: Purge Report Results
PeopleSoft can identify Students who are ready to graduate based upon the information in their advisement report. The process can be used to update students' status (e.g. from "Applied" to "Pending") or to post the degrees once all work is complete.
In general, the steps for this process are:
Step 1 – Generate Advisement Reports in Batch (two-step process)
Step 2 – Review/Validate Students with all requirements complete (Optional)
Step 3 – Update Students’ Degree Checkout Status / Post Degrees
Step 4 – Department Honors
Step 5 – Generate Final Report Information (two-step process)
Step 6 – Create PDF files
Step 7 – Purge Final Grad Reports
The above processes use the following queries:
SJ_AA_GRAD_REPORT_BATCH – Used to generate MyProgress data to use in evaluations
SJ_SR_UPDATE_GRADS – Lists students who meet criteria for automated processing and their status (Red, Yellow or Green)
SJ_SR_GRADS_STDNT_GROUP – Can be used to process students in a particular Student Group (instead of using their MyProgress data).
SJ_AA_GRAD_REPORT_FINAL – Used to generate FINAL MyProgress data after the degree has been awarded
In addition to the queries needed to run the Graduation processes, the following queries have been created to assist Evaluations in identifying and reviewing students.
SJ_SR_APPLIED_TO_GRAD – ALL Students who applied for a given graduation term and the Red/Yellow/Green information from their last MyProgress report. This query includes students who do not meet criteria for batch graduation.
SJ_SR_GRAD_BY_COLLEGE – Students whose degrees have been awarded. The user can specify a College and/or Last Initial range so that an evaluator can review the list of just "their" students.
SJ_SR_STDNT_GROUP_DATA – All students in a particular group, can be used to remove them all in batch.
Step 1A: Generate Advisement Reports
Report Type: Select the appropriate Report Type (MYAR)
Report Identifier: Select GRAD
Report Date: Enter Today’s Date
As of Date: Leave at default (01/01/3000)
Selection Tool: Select "PS Query" / Query Name: Select the SJ_AA_GRAD_REPORT_BATCH Query
This query will identify students based upon the prompts entered whose MyProgress is out of date.
Click on the “Edit Prompts” link - A new page will open that allows you to enter criteria for the students to be processed. The following prompts are available:
After filling in the query prompts, click OK on this page.
Click the Run button on the Generate Report Requests page, click OK on the Process Scheduler Request page.
Do not continue on to Step 1B until this process has finished (status is "Success" in Process Monitor).
Step 1b: Generate Advisement Reports
Report Type: Select the appropriate Report Type (MYAR). (The Report Type must match the value you entered on the Generate Report Requests page.)
From & To Date: Select the date used when Generate Report Requests process was run (probably today’s date)
Report Identifier: Select GRAD
Click the Run button, then click OK on the Process Scheduler Request page.
When this process completes, the students’ evaluation information is now stored and can be used in queries/reports.
Step 2: Review and Validate Students
It is recommended to review the query results to confirm that students listed meet the criteria to have their degree status updated.
In PeopleSoft, the SJ_SR_UPDATE_GRADS query will identify Active students and display their my recent MyProgress status (Red, Yellow or Green). The query will exclude the following groups of students:
Non-Degree-Seeking (Undeclared plans)
Service Indicators with the NODGR Service Impact
Multiple Plans (double-major or major-minor)
Enrollments that extend beyond their Expected Graduation Term
Plan requirements are not built in MyProgress
The following prompts are available to narrow the list of students:
Step 3: Update Degree Checkout Status/Post Degrees
Academic Career: Select the appropriate career
Selection Tool: Select “PS Query”
Query Name:
Enter SJ_SR_UPDATE_GRADS – To use MyProgress data to identify students
Enter SJ_SR_GRADS_STDNT_GROUP – To process students using a Student Group
Click on the “Edit Prompts” link - A new page will open that allows you to specify the students to be processed (the same query criteria as in Step 2).
Clicking on the “Preview Selection Results” link will allow you to view and verify the list of students to be processed. This link will only display the first 300 students – to view the full list, use Query Viewer.
Graduation Process Option: Select “Degree Checkout Status”
New Degree Checkout Status: Select the new status that should be assigned to all these students
Action Reason: Select the appropriate reason.
If you are NOT Awarding Degrees, click RUN to update the student Degree Checkout Status (you are done with Step 3). Example: Updating students who are "Yellow" to Pending.
Additional Steps for Awarding Degrees
When awarding degrees for students with Latin Honors, you must click on the “Load Selection Results” link after entering the query prompt information IF you are applying Degree Honors or want the Degree GPA recorded with the degree. This will load the student list into the grid (see below)
When the New Degree Checkout Status of “Degree Awarded” is selected, additional information is required (see following page).
Set the Completion Term, Effective Date and Confer Date that will be used for these students.
Update Degree Values (Optional):
Degree GPA – Select Combined GPA or Enrollment (SJSU) GPA and click “Update Degree Values” to populate each student’s Degree GPA if desired.
Degree Honors 1 & 2: To assign degree honors to all the students in the grid, select the honor and click “Update Degree Values.” Alternatively, degree honors can be assigned for each student by selecting honors manually in the grid. [The grid can be sorted by GPA]
Note: You can only use the "Update Degree Values" feature after clicking "Load Selection Results" so that all of the students are listed in the grid with their GPA and Degree Honors information.
When all information is populated, click RUN to Post the Degrees.
Step 4: Department Honors
For students who have earned Department Honors, this information should be applied to the Student after the Degrees have been awarded.
Select the "Degree Honors" tab
If the student has earned multiple degrees, select the correct degree to update (highlighted - if needed more information can be found on the "Degree" tab)
(If the student has also earned Latin Honors, click the plus sign to add a second honor)
Select the appropriate Honors Code
Click Save.
Step 5a: Generate Final Report Information
It is recommended that the MyProgress report at the time of graduation is stored for audit purposes.
Report Type: Select the appropriate Report Type (GRAD)
Report Identifier: Select GRAD
Report Date: Enter Today’s Date
As of Date: Leave at default (01/01/3000)
Selection Tool: Select "PS Query"
Query Name: Select the SJ_AA_GRAD_REPORT_FINAL Query
This query will identify students with a given Career and Graduation Term with degrees awarded whose Final MyProgress report has not been generated yet.
Click on the “Edit Prompts” link - A new page will open that allows you to enter criteria for the students to be processed.
After filling in the query prompts, click OK on this page.
Click the Run button on the Generate Report Requests page, click OK on the Process Scheduler Request page.
Do not continue on to Step 1B until this process has finished running (status is "Success" in Process Monitor.
Step 5b: Generate Final Report Information
Report Type: Select the appropriate Report Type (GRAD). (The Report Type must match the value you entered on the Generate Report Requests page.)
From & To Date: Select the date when Generate Report Requests process was run (probably today’s date)
Report Identifier: Select GRAD
Click the Run button, then click OK on the Process Scheduler Request page.
When this process completes, the students’ evaluation information is now stored and pdfs can be generated.
Note: These pdf reports have a different format than the MyProgress report as viewed in the system.
Step 6: Generate PDFs
Configuration of the Batch Report Definition is required to create separate PDF files for each student.
Report Type: Select the appropriate Report Type (GRAD). (The Report Type must match the value you entered on the Generate Report Requests page.)
From & To Date: Select the date when Generate Report Requests process was run (probably today’s date)
Report Identifier: Select GRAD
Click the Run button
Then click OK on the Process Scheduler Request page.
Step 7: Purge Report Results
Once the Final Report PDFs have been loaded to OnBase, the data is no longer needed in PeopleSoft and should be purged occasionally to manage database size (at least twice per year).
Choose the "Select Results to Purge" setting.
Important: Do not check the "Purge Report Requests and Logs" box as this will cause reports to be regenerated for past graduates.
Select the Institution (SJ000)
Select the Report Type (GRAD)
[Optional] Specify a date range of data to be purged (For example: SJSU can opt to purge all data that is more than 1 month old)
Report Identifier: Leave Blank
Request User ID: Leave Blank