Enroll Distribution (Std Report 7) Schedule Query

Enroll Distribution (Std Report 7) Schedule Query

Last Modified: Dec 16, 2020



Purpose of Scheduling a Query

This is the instructions on how to get the detailed results of the students and their status used to calculate the totals in the Enroll Distrib Std Rpt7, (SR7) report in PeopleSoft (MySJSU).

Many employees run this report and each time it is run different dates, terms and resident data may be specified making each report unique.

In order to see the details used to create the totals in your report you must schedule a MySJSU query to run right after you run SR7. We use a scheduled query rather than just running the query because this will produce over 100,000 rows of details. If you need to download these details to a spreadsheet you can but if you don’t need them right away, or possibly ever, then they will stay in your MySJSU process monitor for 60 days. This allows for keeping the data without storing the data.

Enroll Distrib (Std Rpt7) SR7


Runt the SR7 report as you normally would in the course of reporting.



Schedule Query SJ_SR_QUERY_SR7


Right after the SR7 report completes schedule the PeopleSoft Query (Query) to run.

Query SJ_SR_QUERY_SR7 exports the temporary file created from the SR7 report you ran. You must run the scheduled query right after you run SR7 to get your results. If you wait someone else can run SR7 and if they do your scheduled query will report the results of their SR7 run. They may choose different SR7 parameters and dates so each run can be different.

If you have never scheduled a Query you will need to create a run control and set up the Query parameters.



Create a run control name.


Once you have created/entered the run control you can type or paste in the Query name or partial Query name as shown below. You will be presented with all the Queries that meet the partial/full name entered. Choose SJ_SR_SR7_RPT.


Now that you have chosen a Query you can click “Save” to save this for the next run of SR7. To run the Query scheduled Query, click “Run”.


Select the process PSQUERY and click “OK”.


Once you have submitted the Scheduled Query to run you will have a “Process Instance number. You can now click on “Process monitor” and see the progress of your scheduled Query.


The Process Monitor can show you all the processes for your User ID for the last 60 days. Generally, you limit this to 1-5 days. You can change the number of days and view only processes for 1, 2, 3 or 60 days. This can be used if you need to look at a report from several days ago.

If your Query is still processing then “Processing” will show in the “Run Status”, this one is “Success” showing that it has finished successfully. If it is still processing you can click the “Refresh” button until you can see your report is in “Success” status.

The Distribution Status shows if the process has finished and the results of the process are posted. If they are “Posted” you can click on “Details” to see your report. If under details you see “N/A” then your report is not yet ready. It may take a few seconds for the report to be “Posted”.

When you are finished you can click “Go back to Schedule Query” to exit the Process Monitor.


You will see the Process Details, click on “View Log/Trace” to view or download your SR7 report details. OK and/or Cancel will take you back to the Process Monitor page.

You can also view the Parameters, Message Log and Batch Timings, but unless the process failed these are not necessary. If for some reason the scheduled Query failed to process, then you might want to look at those areas as they may give additional data about the failure.


Click on SJ_SR_QUERY_SR7-9999999.csv to view or save as Excel, the details of your run of SR7. There will be several hundred thousand rows of data.


You will be prompted to open in Excel or Save the File of the many thousands of rows of details that were counted in the totals of your SR7 report.



Sample of the results of the SR7 Excel details. There are only 10 fields in the report but there are thousands of rows.



Reference Items






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